Division of Criminal Justice Services

Fulton County


Dawn Ackernecht, Administrator
64 East Fulton Street 
Gloversville, New York 12078 
Phone: (518) 773-1112, Fax: (518) 773-7958

Supervising Agency
Citizens in Community Service, Inc. 

This program began operation in 1990. The objective of the Fulton County Community Service Program is to serve all courts in the county including County, Drug, Family, City and the 10 Magistrate Courts. The criminal justice system in Fulton County is very supportive of the program and depends on our services as an alternative to costly incarceration. This project provides the criminal courts with sentencing alternatives through the use of community service for offenders with sentences of adjournment in contemplation of dismissal, conditional discharge, or probation. Offenders are required to make reparation for their crimes through performance of community service. The project monitors compliance with release conditions. Project operations also include offender selection, worksite selection and oversight, court/probation notification activities, referrals to human services and management of accident/liability reports.

Dawn Ackernecht, Administrator
64 East Fulton Street 
Gloversville, New York 12078 
Phone: (518) 773-1114, Fax: (518) 773-7958
Supervising Agency
Citizens in Community Service, Inc.

This program began operation in 1987. The project goal of the pretrial release program will, where authorized or requested by the Court, monitor and supervise pretrial individuals.