Division of Criminal Justice Services

New York City


Joel Copperman, Chief Executive Officer/President
151 Lawrence Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: (212) 555-6354

Center for Alternative Sentencing & Employment Services (CASES)
As the largest Pretrial Services program in New York City, the Manhattan Supervised Release Program (MSRP) accounts for more than a third of annual Pretrial intakes assigned from the City's five county courts. To increase potential for pretrial success for this vulnerable population, a new mobile RAPID RESPONSE TREATMENT (RRT) team was created. The RRT team targets MSRP participants with immediate behavioral health needs and provides rapid engagement, treatment, and enhanced bridging to community-based stabilization and support services.


Joel Copperman, Chief Executive Officer/President
151 Lawrence Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: (212) 555-6354

Center for Alternative Sentencing & Employment Services (CASES)
The Manhattan newSTART program provides an alternative to incarceration (ATI) specifically designed to support individuals with frequent low-level court involvement who are navigating significant barriers to success including homelessness and serious mental illness. Starting at arraignment in the courthouse, newSTART delivers a rapid intervention to prevent jail stays, including onsite case management and support services that span courthouse and community. Instead of another short jail stay at Rikers, newSTART clients engage with trained clinicians and peers, join individual and group counseling sessions, develop a plan to address needs and pursue goals, and develop lasting connections to ongoing support and/or treatment.


David Condliffe, Executive Director
25 Chapel Street, Suite #701
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: (718) 858-9658

Center for Community Alternatives, Inc. (CCA)
The Center for Community Alternatives’ (CCA) Client Specific Planning (CSP) program, based in Brooklyn, New York, is a defender-based advocacy program provides sentencing mitigation services.


David Condliffe, Executive Director
25 Chapel Street, Suite #701
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: (718) 858-9658

Center for Community Alternatives, Inc. (CCA)
The Crossroads Program is a medically supervised, OASAS licensed, intensive outpatient-treatment program that offers services to men and women involved in the criminal justice system as an alternative to incarceration. The participants are provided with individual and group counseling, case management, court advocacy, comprehensive assessments, mental health services, pre-employment services, housing referrals and other ancillary services aimed at preparing men and women for self-sufficient and law-abiding lives.


Tania Peterson Chandler Esq., Vice President of Operations
50 Clinton Street, Suite #107
Hempstead, NY 11550 
Phone: (516) 539 0150, Fax: (516) 539 0160

EAC, Inc.
NYC TASC will serve male and female defendants arrested within the five boroughs and appearing in Criminal and Supreme Courts who have a substance-use disorder. Defendants in Criminal and Supreme Court are age 15 and up. Defendants must be charged or subject to conviction of a felony or misdemeanor and identified as having a substance-use disorder via toxicology testing, diagnostic screening tools and or jail/prison records. Assessment determines that the defendant is suitable for placement in the community and appropriate treatment modality and services are available.


Tania Peterson Chandler Esq., Vice President of Operations
50 Clinton Street, Suite #107
Hempstead, NY  11550 
Phone: (516) 539 0150, Fax: (516) 539 0160

EAC, Inc.
NYC TASC Mental Health Diversion serves male and female defendants arrested within the five boroughs and appearing in Criminal and Supreme Courts who are diagnosed with a mental illness and co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse disorder. Defendants in Criminal and Supreme Court are age 15 and up must be charged or subject to conviction of a felony or misdemeanor and identified as having a substance-use disorder or co-occurring disorder via toxicology testing, diagnostic screening tools and or jail/prison records. Assessment determines that the defendant is suitable for placement in the community and appropriate treatment modality and services are available.


Archana Jayaram, President and Chief Executive Officer
809 Westchester Avenue
Bronx, NY 10455-1704
Phone: (718) 707-2641, Fax: (718) 707-3102

The Osborne Association, Inc.
This ATI Initiative is comprised of two service components: El Rio and the Court Advocacy Services Unit (CAS). El Rio is an intensive outpatient drug treatment program that provides services primarily to clients who have been charged with one or more felonies and are likely to receive a sentence of incarceration of six months or more or are likely to remain detained through their pretrial period. Defendants who meet the criminal justice eligibility are assessed for drug abuse and appropriately placed in either El Rio's Marijuana Track or the El Rio Classic Track. Court Advocacy Services (CAS) assists attorneys representing indigent felony defendants, including juveniles being tried in adult courts.


Archana Jayaram, President and Chief Executive Officer
809 Westchester Avenue
Bronx, NY 10455-1704
Phone: (718) 707-2641, Fax: (718) 707-3102

The Osborne Association, Inc.
Osborne’s Court Advocacy Services (CAS) serves individuals charged with a misdemeanor and/or felony-level offense who are subject to a sentence of incarceration. Employing the principle of Risk/Needs/Responsivity, we prioritize individuals charged with serious crimes that, without intervention, would be highly likely to result in a significant term of incarceration. To serve them, CAS uses a program model that aims at preventing or reducing jail or prison time for the maximum number of individuals by concentrating on court processes and on matching clients to services that directly address the antecedents of criminal behavior for each person. CAS staff develop individual case plans and produce related work products, such as Bail Applications and Pre-Plea or Pre-Sentencing Memoranda, which advocate for ATIs, ATDs, reduced charges, mandated treatment, or other relatively favorable outcomes.


Archana Jayaram, President and Chief Executive Officer
809 Westchester Avenue
Bronx, NY 10455-1704
Phone: (718) 637-6560, Fax: (718) 637-6560

New York City Department of Corrections
The Elder Reentry Initiative (ERI) provides Cognitive Behavioral Interventions or transitional planning services specifically for older adults in the jails. This population presents with distinctive needs, including age-related medical conditions, physical and cognitive decline, the sequelae of long substance use disorder and mental illness, estrangement from family and other social networks, and the need to work alongside steep obstacles to finding employment.


JoAnne Page, President and CEO
29-76 Northern Blvd 
Long Island City, NY 11101 
Phone: (212) 691-7554 Fax: (347) 510-3457

The Fortune Society, Inc.
The Freedom program serves individuals ages 16 and older who are jail and/or prison bound and/or detained and charged with misdemeanor or felony offenses in the boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, or Queens. The program provides case management for program referrals and community placements and aims for non-custodial sentences. Participants are referred to Fortune’s wraparound services, including licensed clinical substance use or mental health treatment, employment and educations services, housing services, and care management services. External referrals for services are completed as appropriate with the goal of anchoring participants in neighborhood-based supports so that those supports remain available to them post program completion.