Division of Criminal Justice Services

Program Specific Information

Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program

Provides federal funds to support localities in innovative approaches to fighting and reducing drug and violent crime.

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Program

Supports community programs dealing with juvenile crime and corrections.

Motor Vehicle Theft and Insurance Fraud Prevention Program

Is a NYS program that provides funds to localities and organizations to reduce motor vehicle theft and insurance fraud.

Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program

Addresses the high incidence of incarcerated persons with substance abuse problems.

Soft Body Armor Program

Provides state reimbursement to local law enforcement agencies for the purchase of bullet-proof vests.

State Aid Programs

Assist police, prosecutors, public defenders and crime laboratories. Legislative grants-in-aid also provide financial assistance to localities as well as community groups involved in crime prevention and control.

Violence Against Women Act

Focuses on programs that combat domestic violence and sexual assault.